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Skin Rejuvenation

Seeker Professional Aesthetics -  - Medical Aesthetics

Seeker Professional Aesthetics

Medical Aesthetics located in Austin, TX

What is Moxi?

Moxi is a non-ablative fractional laser treatment used to correct the initial signs of sun damage and aging in all skin types. Moxi helps improve pigmentation, sun damage, uneven skin tone, and texture. Moxi treatments have little to no downtime, and post-treatment redness is resolved within 72 hours for most patients. Paired with BBL, our patients see even better synergistic results.

What is BBL?

BBL (Broad Band Light) is a highly customizable laser technology that can reverse skin damage and the signs of aging at a molecular level. Due to its robust but lower-energy light, BBL is great for all skin types and tones. It can help treat signs of aging, pigmentation, small blood vessels, and active acne. Treatments are quick, and you can return to normal activities the same day.